Free On Demand Training with Cindy Schulson

How to Create an Irresistible Coaching Offer

Get crystal clear on the 3 key foundational elements needed for a successful coaching business

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Get this Free Training and Discover:

  • How to find the perfect niche for you!
  • How to create a message that get the attention of clients who would LOVE to work with you
  • The biggest mistake coaches make with their offers (and how to fix it immediately) 
  • The secret to confidently raise your rates so you can FINALLY get paid the true value of your services (and make MORE without working harder)


"Cut through the hype, and clearly shared an authentic way to get clients."

"Power- packed. Thanks so much. You definitely practice what you preach"

"Cindy shared so many trade secrets! It was a lot of information in a short period of time."

"Filled with useful, practical tips all within a simple clear structure."

"Clear with concise steps. BEST marketing webinar ever!"

"Packed with value. Thank you for your generosity."

"This pulled everything together. Thank you!"

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Hi there. My name is Cindy Schulson and I show coaches how to stand out and enroll more clients by Marketing with Heart vs. Hype.  

I've been supporting coaches with their marketing since 2010.

I have an MBA in marketing and worked in Strategic Communications for such great companies as Coca-Cola and Visa.  

My greatest gift is helping my clients sort through their "brain dump" of ideas to help them find the golden nuggets that make them shine.

Then we message and package their brilliance into coaching programs that bring them more clients and income.

I'm excited to share exactly how you can create an irresistible coaching offer in this free training!


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