Do you ever sit down to write and struggle to get your ideas from your head to the computer?

You stare at the screen and the words just don't come. And when you do start writing, it feels stilted, boring and cheesy.

I totally get it. My name is Cindy Schulson.

I've earned my living with my words for 20 years

But when I came online I had to learn a whole new style of writing.

Thankfully, I figured out how to translate what I did working in Strategic Communications for Fortune 500 firms to my coaching business. 

Now I help entrepreneurs get their message heard -- so they can make the income they desire and the difference they’re here to make.

The good news is you don't have to be a professional copywriter to get your message across in a way that's genuine and compelling.

And you certainly don't have to pay thousands of dollars to a copywriter to do it for you.

Ready to find out how? Then come with me....

Great Copy Is Your Most Powerful Marketing Tool

Marketing is all about sharing your message with the right people so they're inspired to take action.

So to make your marketing effective you need to get your message across in a way that's clear, compelling and true to you.  

When you know how to do this -- all of your marketing becomes so much easier!

In fact, every marketing tool you use requires great copy.

What does great copy do?

  • Connects with the hearts and minds of your dream clients
  • Showcases your expertise and personality
  • Positions you as a leading voice in your niche
  • Motivates people to get on your email list and open your emails
  • Inspires your dream clients to take action and work with YOU!

Writing great copy isn't just about finding the right words. It's about...

  • Being confident in your own writing skills, so you can get over writer's block -- and eliminate the fear and self-doubt.
  • Revealing your heart and soul in your message so you position your brand unlike any other.
  • Trusting your voice and showing up in a really authentic way in all you say and do
  • Putting your WOW in your words so your dream clients sit up and take notice!

Even Language Geeks and Great Writers Need to Learn How to Write Copy  

I've always been fascinated by language. By the time I was 10 years old, I was fairly fluent in 2 foreign languages and have since gone on to study 3 more (although I only remember French). My kids tease me because every game on my phone is a word game.

I spent my entire career working in Strategic Communications for such great companies as Coca-Cola, Visa and global PR firm Burson-Marstellar.

So when I left corporate and decided to start my own business, I inevitably veered toward the world of words. And even though I was a great writer, I quickly realized that writing online is a completely different animal. 

I had to unlearn corporate speak, and learn to write in a whole new way. It's the most liberating writing I've ever done!

But it's more than just the love of words and marketing that drives me...

My greatest passion is inspiring entrepreneurs to be true to themselves in their business, including the power of their own voice.

Marketing from Within is all about building a business that celebrates you. It’s about leveraging your passions and strengths in your business, so you can build a profitable business you love. And, above all, it’s about showing up in your business in a meaningful and authentic way.

When I help my clients with their copy, it's not just about finding the "right words that convert". It's about finding the right words that are true for their voice and personality.

That's why I created this course. So I can help you create great copy that allows your unique voice to shine through -- and WOW! 


In just 5 Weeks, You'll Learn the Essential Keys to Create Copy that WOWs

Writing great copy is a lot easier when you're prepared. In this module, we're going to overcome the biggest speed bumps so your copy can flow. 

  • Ideal Clients - Great copy captivates your ideal clients. Get clear on who exactly you're writing to and the conversation going on in their minds.
  • Writing with Heart - While you need to understand the pain points of your ideal clients, I'll show you how to do that with honor and heart. 
  • Writer's Block - Even professional writers face writer's block. Gain tips and resources to say goodbye to that blank screen.

To write geat copy, you have to understand the psychological trigger points that inspire people to take action. And yes - there's a way to do it that's effective and feels good for you.  

  • The Art of Persuasion- Understand the psychological triggers that inspire people to take action, without resorting to hype or manipulation. 
  • Buying Motives - You've probably heard that people buy based on emotion and justify with logic. Understand the power of emotion, benefits and desire so you inspire people to take action!
  • Overcoming Objections - Writing great copy isn’t just about getting people to say yes, it’s also about addressing their objections and stopping them from saying no.
  • Your Authentic Voice - When your personality shows up in your copy, it builds a meaningful connection with you and your brand. Discover how to write with the power of your genuine voice.

You don't just want your writing to sound good - you want it to be effective. You'll discover the essential keys and best practices that show up in all great copy.

  • Conversational Writing - You want your writing to feel like you're having a conversation with your ideal clients. Learn some easy waysto give your writing that friendly, personal connection. 
  • Simple, Clear and Concise - People don't have the patience to decipher your copy or wade through it to get to the point. Learn the best ways to sharpen your writing so people stick around and want more.
  • Storytelling - Discover the power of story and how to use it in your writing so people remember you and your message. 
  • Formulas- Get simple formulas to make your copywriting faster, easier and more effective

Here's where we get into the nitty gritty of writing great copy. You'll learn the tips and tricks you can use in all of your writing - landing pages, emails, blog posts, social media, sales pages, and more!

  • Headlines - Your headline is the most important part of your copy. Get valuable tips to create great headlines that keep people reading. 
  • Call to Action - Learn how to create a clear, powerful call to action to increase the chances that people will take the action you want them to take.
  • Sales Pages - There's a sweet flow that guides your reader through your sales page all the way to the "buy" button. Get the template that makes it easy to create a sales page that does it's job - sells!
  • Email - Email marketing is still the #1 way to get your message across. Learn how to write emails that not only get read, but inspire people to take action.

Some Client Love...

"Capture my message in a way that feels true to my voice" 

“Cindy has a true gift for my messaging. I turn to her whenever I need to get crystal clear about how to communicate my message and what makes us unique. She has the ability to pull my brilliance out of me and capture my message in a way that feels true to my voice." ~~ Jane Deuber,

"An amazing talent to make copywriting seem so easy"

"Cindy is a master at copywriting and is the one I turn to when I need help putting what's in my head onto paper in a way that will speak to my ideal clients. When I think about writing copy, I break out in a sweat and my heart races. But in an instant, Cindy changes all that. She has an amazing talent to make copy writing seem so easy that I think "why didn't I think of that". If you need help with copy writing, I highly recommend Cindy!" ~~ Bonnie Giller,

"Taught me how to write so my message and my personality shine through"

"Although I'm a good writer, I tend to write too much and a little too formal. Cindy has taught me how to write so my message and my personality shine through. She's truly the master at all this and I would be lost with her!" ~~ Amy Schoen,

"Excellent copywriting skills and marketing instincts"

"Cindy has the knack of looking at a piece of marketing copy and making it concise and impactful, so my readers immediately know what message I want to get accross. She has excellent copywriting skills and marketing instincts. What I love most is her special ability to explain the rationale behind her ideas so I can learn and improve my own copywriting skills." ~~ Bonnie Mincu,

"Cindy has helped me so much with my copy... and she makes it so easy to learn"

"Cindy has helped me so much with my copy. She has a real gift of being able to enter the world of my clients, speaking directly to their problems and dreams while making sure I maintain my unique voice. And she makes it so easy to learn. All of her courses are top notch and easy-to-follow." ~~ Marina Kostina,

"She is gifted at helping you discover your message and translating it into the copy you need."

"Cindy has an amazing talent for putting what you are not sure how to say into just the right words! She is gifted at helping you discover your unique message and translating it into just the copy you need. I have been working with Cindy for a long time and I love her authenticity. She has helped me to create “just right”, effective messages for my business and the products I am developing." ~~ Mary Hiland,

Here's What You Get When You Join Copy That WOWs 

You'll get in-depth training, broken down into easy bite-sized-pieces. Lots of hot tips and examples to help you become a copy pro. Each week for 4 weeks, you'll get a new module so you can go through it in your own time. Everything will be housed in a user-friendly members' area. You'll have lifetime access to all the training, so you can revisit it any time you like!

You'll get a step-by-step Action Guide for each module so you can easily implement as you learn. Stay on track and get excited as you put what you’re learning into action!

We'll have 2 live group coaching calls so you can get my personal help within an intimate group setting. I'll stay on the line until everyone is helped and every question is answered. If you can't make it, no worries. You can submit a question in advance and you'll get the recording. You'll learn so much from other people's questions and of course, your own!

You'll get to connect with other participants, so you can ask for feedback and advice. Create valuable collaborations - and even find a copy buddy to partner with. This will be a “safe space” to connect with me and other heart-centered entrepreneurs who have your back!

You'll get lifetime access to the "Find Your Marketing WOW" training, including all the training videos and emails from the event. You'll be able to revisit the training so you can continue to refine your Marketing WOW and include it in your copy.

Want to Get on the Fast Track to Copy Success?  

You know the value of getting my one-on-one support to help you with your copy and busiiness. Then the Fast Track Level is a great option for you.

Join Copy that WOWs Fast Track and you'll get everything above PLUS:

  • Instant Access to entire Copy that WOWs Program - No waiting in between modules, work at your own accelerated pace
  • Email Access - Weekly email checkins during the course to get your questions answered and make sure you stay on track 
  • Nail Your Ideal Client Coaching Session - We'll meet for a private 60 minute coaching call, where we'll get crystal clear on who your ideal client is, and how to connect with their hearts and minds
  • Copy Review Coaching Session - We'll meet for a private 60 minute call to review your copy so you can get personalized feedback and see exactly how to amplify and refine it  
  • Bonus - Done-For-You Copy Editing - You can send me any piece of your copy, and I'll personally edit it for you

Option 1: 

Create Copy that WOWs

  • Life time access to the Copy that WOWs training system - 4 modules broken down into bite-sized, step-by-step video
  • Step-by-step Action Guides - Take action as you learn and get real results
  • 2 Live Q&A Calls - Ask any questions and get feedback on your copy
  • Private Mastermind Forum - Connect with me & other members for support 
  • Bonus - "Find Your Marketing WOW" training videos and emails 

Just $297 or 3 payments of $103

Option 2: 

Fast Track Also Includes

  • Instant Access to Entire Program - No waiting in between modules
  • Nail Your Ideal Client Coaching Session - Private 60 minute coaching call to get crystal clear on your ideal client 
  • Copy Review Coaching Session - Private 60 minute call to review your copy 
  • Email Access - Get your questions answered and stay on track
  • Bonus - Done-For-You Copy Editing - I'll personally edit any page of your copy 

Just $997 or 3 payments of $387


More Client Love...

"Helped me create high converting content"

"Cindy has provided me with invaluable mentoring to write concise, effective copy that reflects my authentic voice. She has helped me create high converting webinar content, email campaigns and talks that have resulted in many of my ideal clients enrolling in both my signature course and my one-on-one coaching packages. Her support has been a tremendous stress reducer amidst the multitude of tasks and responsibilities one needs to attend to, to create a successful business." ~~ Michelle Atlas, 

"A constant inspiration for how to write engaging copy"

"Cindy was brilliant at helping me refine my core message to something that gets the attention of my audience and is a constant inspiration for how to write engaging copy. I’ve learnt so much from working with her - tips and techniques I can use again and again with new products and services!" ~~ Alisoun Mackenzie, 

"Working with Cindy on copyhas gotten me past some of my biggest obstacles"

"Cindy is a copywriting and messaging genius. I know what I want to say in my copy but it tends to come out a bit techie and corporate. She takes what is in my head and transforms it into a compelling message that speaks from my heart. She makes the process so effortless and easy. Working with Cindy on copywriting has gotten me past some of my biggest obstacles in my business. She is a treasure and pleasure to work with!" ~~ Treva Marshall, 

"Great ability to take ordinary words and make them exciting"

"If you're looking for someone who will guide you through one of the most important parts of creating a thriving and successful business - great copy - then look no further than Cindy! There are countless times, in working with Cindy, that I was wowed by her natural and amazing ability to say what I wanted to say in words that literally sparkled and dazzled with copy that would engage and attract my ideal clients! She has this great ability to take ordinary words and make them exciting!" ~~ Camille McKenzie,”  

"I've learned how to make my marketing messages clearer and stronger"

"Cindy is a copy-writing Ninja! I tend to be wordy in my copy and since working with Cindy I've learned how to sculpt more concise sentences to make my marketing messages clearer and stronger. Simply, Cindy is a treasure...and a rock-star copy-writer!" ~~ Carole Gaato,

"Cindy is a master of messaging and copywriting"

"Cindy is brilliant when it comes to helping entrepreneurs put into words the true message about their business that will resonate with their target audience. She is a master of messaging and copy writing. I can attest to her patience and wisdom. My business has grown in the last year and I know her support and coaching has made a huge difference in my business and my life. Cindy is the REAL DEAL!" ~~ Vena Jensen Blitsch,

100% Money Back Guarantee

We stand behind this program with a 100% guarantee. Because we know when you implement the simple strategies you’ll learn, you’ll be on your way to success. All you have to do is listen to all the Training Videos and work through all the Action Guides. That’s it. After that, if within 30 days, you honestly believe you didn’t get a thing you could use to improve your business, email us and we’ll gladly refund your money in exchange for your feedback. That’s how much we believe this program will help you. 

Have Questions?  

What's the registration deadline? The deadline to register is Thursday, September 21 at midnight EST. 

What's the schedule? The first module will be released on Friday, September 22. The remaining modules will be released Friday, September 27, October 6, and October 13. 

Our Q&A sessions will happen live on Monday, October 2 at 12 pm PST / 3pm EST and Monday, Octobr 16 at 12pm PST 3pm EST. 

I'm really busy. Will I fall behind? No worries, you can access all the training at a time that’s convenient, and you'll have life time access to all the material. Plus, you can submit questions for me in advance if you're going to miss our Q&A sessions, and I’ll answer them on the calls. You can also share your questions and ideas in our private Facebook community. I'll be there to guide and support you as well!

I'm not sure this is the right time for me. Are you going to offer this course later? Honestly, I'm not sure. There are many initiatives we're working on so this course may not be offered again anytime soon. Plus, it likely won't be priced so affordably the next time around. 

Will I be able to ask you questions during the course? Absolutely. I'll be participating in our private Facebook community. And don't forget about our 2 live Q&A sessions where you can ask me anything about copy or marketing! 

And should you choose to get on the Fast Track to Create Copy that WOWs, we'll have 2 private coaching sessions together PLUS email access during the course AND I'll personally edit a page of you copy for you.

What if I have a question that wasn't answered here? We're happy to answer any of your questions. You can share your question in the little red box at the bottom of this page. Or you can email me at or call me at 619 318 8688!