Create a Signature Program That Brings You a Consistent Flow of Clients

Get your FREE Signature Program Template and discover how to create a program you become known for

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  • Stop selling your time and create a program your ideal clients really want
  • Communicate the value of your offer with clarity and confidence
  • Deliver amazing results for your clients and create the greatest impact
  • Elevate your brand with a program you become known for
  • Create a program that becomes your #1 source of clients and income
  • Bonus: In addition to the template, you'll get a short (19 minute) video that reveals the exact steps to a successful Signature Program
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Hi there. My name is Cindy Schulson and I help experts package and communicate their unique value so they can go from selling their time to Scaling with Heart.

I've been supporting coaches and consultants with their businesses since 2010. Before that, I worked in Strategic Communications for such great companies as Coca-Cola and Visa.

My greatest gift is helping my clients sort through their "brain dump" of ideas to help them find the golden nuggets that make them shine.

Then we message and package their brilliance into a Signature Program that multiplies their income AND impact.