Create an Authentic Brand Message that Captivates your Dream Clients

Get your Free Brand Message Template and Discover:

  • The 2 kinds of branding you need and which one to do first 
  • How to communicate your unique value in 30 seconds
  • Messaging templates that make it easy to explain what you do
  • The #1 way to create a brand that lets you authentically stand out from everyone else

PLUS: You'll be entered to win a Brand Message Makeover where Cindy will personally help you with your Brand Message (Value $1,000)

PLUS: An invitation to join a free community of heart-centered entrepreurs with ive training and support

Messaging Magic

Cindy Schulson shows coaches and consultants how to create crystal clear messaging that gets heard -- by marketing with heart vs. hype.

Cindy’s worked in Strategic Communications for such companies as Coca-Cola and Visa. Since 2010, she’s helped her clients transform their brilliance into authentic messaging and multiple streams of income. 

One of her greatest gifts is helping her clients sort through their “brain dump” of ideas so they can find the golden nuggets that make them shine in their own unique way.  

“When I first found Cindy I was struggling with narrowing down my ideal client and how I wanted to serve that group. After just 1 session with Cindy, I had a marketing message that was truly me. I was surprised that we got there so quickly, but that is what you get when you work with someone as insightful and caring as Cindy!” ~~ Jenniel Taylor Samuel,

“Cindy has a true gift for my messaging and is my go to ‘Messaging Muse’. I turn to her whenever I need to get crystal clear about how to communicate my message and what makes us unique. She has the ability to pull my brilliance out of me and capture my message in a way that feels true to my voice. ” ~ Jane Deuber,